Monday 20 April 2015

Film Poster InDesign Draft:1

This is my initial draft of my film poster which advertises our film 'Cloven'. After receiving feedback from my teacher and my media class, I have decided to make a variety of changes in order to create an end product which is effectively conventional. My feedback stated that in order to create a media product which was of a higher quality, I must make the sky in my image appear darker with a shadowed effect rather than having a white sky, as this is too pure for an evil scene which evidently doesn't relate to the horror genre. I must also add blood splatters to the character's hand so that it relates to the tag-line, "something was disturbed" this highlights the idea that this character is the cause of the disturbance; she has become physically and mentally insane. Based on my feedback, I have also decided to make the billing block on my film poster a lot smaller as my film poster appears to have too much text. This is a negative aspect to my page seen as posters are conventionally image led, making the billing block smaller will allow my image to be a lot more prominent. Lastly in order to represent the narrative of my groups film plot, I have decided to keep a highlighted border around the character's hair to represent the idea that she isn't completely evil, her soul is still there deep down and is not fully destroyed. The light surrounding her will create almost a halo effect which shows her vulnerability as she battles against this evil entity.

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