Monday 26 January 2015

Props: Book

In our film plot the prop of the book plays a significant role as its existence causes the character Sam to become possessed by the demonic spirit. The book allows Sam to summon the evil entity from within her soul, therefore the book as a result causes the action in the trailer to begin which evidently shows that it plays a huge part within the trailer. The book almost acts a catalyst to the characters problems which represents its power.
The prop of the book was designed and created by our group member Luke. Initially as a group we decided to buy an old book from a charity shop so that it had a worn out effect. Luke then decided to stick printed pages of information into the book which had been stained with a tea bag to give it a ancient look.

The symbols present in the book represents the devil. The information given explains the Cornovii Tribe and gives facts about the blood sacrifices that they carried out on their innocent victims.

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