Tuesday 4 November 2014

Individual Plot Synopsis

500 word plot synopsis - Film Plot Task

It's summer and four university art students are on a six week holiday break in South Wales, looking to draw some of the amazing scenery. The location with its jaw dropping mountains and valley's make an idyllic setting for any artist. The four art students find a cheap farm house to rent in a local newspaper, so decide to move in on the weekend but can't get over how suspiciously cheap the rent is.
On the following weekend they drive to the remote house, which is a mile away from the nearest village. The village is very small and only has a shop, a post office, a church and most importantly a pub. When they finally arrive the girls carry their cases in, get rid of the dust sheets, hoover, dust and clean the old farm house from top to bottom. After doing these chores they decide to head to the local pub, for food and drinks.
After an hour or so at the 'Red Lion Inn' a few local lads seem interested in the four attractive strangers, and ask to join them. After lots of drinks and laughs they decide to go back to the rented farm house to party more, yet mysteriously as soon as the young men find out where the girls are staying they quickly make excuses and leave.
The girls go back to party alone and decide to play spin the bottle. But after several minutes the lights start to flicker and a door up stairs slams shut. The bottle starts to spin uncontrollably and the girls hear footsteps running up the stairs. They all run upstairs but nobody sees anything although they do hear a faint laughter of a child. They all decide to sleep on the floor together with the lights on, downstairs.
The morning comes and the girls all laugh thinking they imagined it after one too many beers the night before. The house seems light, warm and inviting and not scary at all! Two of the girls decide to go to the church the next morning where the congregation seem very welcoming.
After the service the two girls walk around the quiet grave yard to find a spot, for the best angle to draw the church. Sophie is for some reason drawn to a place near a small white headstone "this is perfect" she says, "the angle of the church and the mountains in the backdrop would make an amazing setting." She then turns to read the headstone which is that of a seven year old child, who it says died tragically at the farm they are staying at.
They head back into the church to ask the local priest about the circumstances of the child's death. He tells them that the girl was killed by the granddad in the nearby barn where he slaughtered the pigs, who hung himself. "Where is the grandfather buried" they asked. They were told in an unmarked grave on the farm.
The house had been empty since then, and every night they would hear laughter at exactly 11:30pm and the lights would flicker. There had been a few incidences with the girls whilst staying at the farm house, one of the girls had been pinched a few times leaving numerous amounts of bruises and some bed sheets had been pulled off the girls very suddenly. The girls come to the conclusion that some spirit wanted their attention for some reason so they decided to call the local medium who came over to try and contact the little girl.
Suddenly the lights started flickering in the outside barn and the doors were slamming with no wind present. The girls again could head a child's laughter or cry, then a whisper saying "go to the barn." Frightened but curious the girls got up and hesitantly walked to the barn. They opened the door quietly and all rubbed their eyes as if in disbelief for in front of them was a small blonde haired girl in night clothes and written in the dust on the floor was the words "It was an accident, please let us rest together under the tree." This immediately gave the girls an indication of where the grandfather was buried.
The psychic told them that this message was to clear the grandfathers name and so that him and his granddaughter could rest together. The girls attended the burial and felt a sense of warmth, the little girl was never heard of in that house again.

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